Identification and Classification of System Failures in Iran's National Innovation System

Document Type : Original research


1 M.S. in Technology Management, Department of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran (College of Farabi)

2 Assistant Professor at Department of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran (College of Farabi)

3 Assistant Professor, STI Financing and Economics Department, National Research Institute for Science Policy


This article was compiled to identify the system failures of Iran's national innovation system and tried to identify and categorize these system failures with the help of the opinions of a wide range of experts in the field of science, technology, and innovation policy and with the Thematic analysis method. Based on the results of this research, a total of 43 major system failures were identified in Iran's national innovation system, and these failures were categorized under 12 functional areas of activities. These 12 functional areas are 1) policy-making, orientation, assessment and monitoring of the system;2) legitimizing innovation; 3) public awareness of issues; 4) education, development, and empowerment of human capital; 5) financing research, technological development and innovation; 6) knowledge creation and R&D; 7) knowledge dissemination, cooperation, and networking; 8) demand and market stimulating activities; 9) entrepreneurial activities (new products and services); 10) promoting strategic policy intelligence; 11) structural and institutional changes; and 12) accelerating business growth. Also, by comparing the results of this research with other studies, the most important system failures of Iran's national innovation system are 1) lack of coherence between policies and weakness in monitoring, assessing, and creating executive and support mechanisms for the country's innovation policies; 2) the existence of multiple responsibilities in the matter of science, technology and innovation in the country; 3) Weakness in the presence, coordination and clear division of work between the actors of the national innovation system; 4) Weakness in proper mechanisms for participation and synergy between different actors to provide advice and technology dissemination; and 5) weakness in prioritizing issues and providing policy solutions according to the regional and national needs.


Main Subjects

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 30 November 2024
  • Receive Date: 07 October 2024
  • Revise Date: 31 October 2024
  • Accept Date: 30 November 2024