Explaining the Science and Technology Diplomacy Approaches of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original research


Islamic Azad University Tehran Branch


Today, the importance of science and technology has increased so much that it is known as one of the components of national power in countries. On the other hand, the complexity of science and technology issues is so wide that countries need to expand cooperation with other countries in order to solve national and transnational issues, achieve development, etc. For this purpose, countries follow different approaches in science and technology diplomacy to achieve their diverse goals. The Islamic Republic of Iran also seeks to use different approaches of science and technology diplomacy to realize the goals of its science and technology policy. For this reason, the main goal of the article is to identify and explain the approaches of science and technology diplomacy in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this regard, the researchers, using a multi-method methodology, first with a systematic review method, sought to answer the question of what approaches to science and technology diplomacy have existed in the world, and then with a theme analysis method in the government sources of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. They identified and explained the science and technology diplomacy approach of our country. According to the systematic review of the results of scientific books and articles, it was determined that until 2022, twelve approaches to science and technology diplomacy including influence, dependence, linking, cooperation, science development, opportunity creation, partnership, attraction, innovation, branding There has been a scientific mobilization and a global approach of science in the world, and by analyzing the themes of the top documents of the foreign policy of Iran, it was determined that the Islamic Republic of Iran has paid attention to seven approaches in science and technology diplomacy.


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