PhD. Student of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University of Tehran
The emergence and development of qualitative methodology over the past few years in the social and human sciences community of Iran has been the subject of controversy in theory and practice in a number of ways. The increasing attention to and increasing the use of quality methods in the academic community of the country not only requires familiarization with this methodology and how it is designed and implemented, but also requires familiarization with the analytical procedures of these methods and their use. But these standard procedures are rarely introduced as an applied article. The purpose of this paper is to introduce standard procedures for analyzing qualitative data and related techniques in a brief and practical way. So, with the help of library resources research methodology, 11 comprehensive methods of this field have been examined. These include: Ethnographic Thematic Analysis, Grounded Theory, Narrative Analysis, Phenomenological Analysis, Qualitative Content Analysis, Conversation Analysis, Semiotic Analysis, Thick Description, Situational Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Observational Data Analyze. In the final section of the paper, a brief practical summary of the coding method in qualitative methods is presented.
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Tayebi Abolhasani, A. . "Introduction to Research Methodology: Standard procedures for qualitative data analysis", Science and Technology Policy Letters, 09, 2, 2019, 67-96.
Tayebi Abolhasani, A. (2019). 'Introduction to Research Methodology: Standard procedures for qualitative data analysis', Science and Technology Policy Letters, 09(2), pp. 67-96.
A. Tayebi Abolhasani, "Introduction to Research Methodology: Standard procedures for qualitative data analysis," Science and Technology Policy Letters, 09 2 (2019): 67-96,
Tayebi Abolhasani, A. Introduction to Research Methodology: Standard procedures for qualitative data analysis. Science and Technology Policy Letters, 2019; 09(2): 67-96.