Internationalization Obstacles and Entry to Global Mobile Gaming Markets Barriers to Entry of Iranian Mobile Games to Global Markets and its Solutions

Document Type : Review article


1 Master student of Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran

2 Assistant professor of Communication and Media Faculty, IRIBU, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Journalism in the Department of Journalism, Allameh Tabataba’I University, Tehran


The importance of the growth and development of the mobile gaming industry is easily sensed. The advancement in this area is so much that many of the big companies which produce computer and console games have entered this area with the aim of reaching financial successes. This article is intended to overcome internationalization obstacles of smart mobile games by descriptive analytical method and reviewing existing literature and literature. The present article is a review on the conducted research on the process of internationalization of mobile games. To enter international markets, the producers of  the mobile games must prepare themselves for a serious competition. On the way of entry into massive international markets with the aim of reaching profits, the developers of mobile games face with barriers which make the subject of study in this article. Considering the experiences of the big and small producers of mobile games have helped us classify the barriers and  provide solutions for them. There are eight barriers which have been followed by their solutions in the article. The barriers  are: inadequate sources, producing appropriate games, finding a reputable publisher, the reaction of the player to games,  ways of finding games by players, competition, game localization, and using analytics.


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