subjects, studies and futures of social psychology of science; Suggestions for science and technology policy makers

Document Type : Review article


public Administration, Islamic studies and management, Imam sadiq university, Tehran, Iran


Attention to the unique role of science in the development of a country and the special attention to this issue in recent years has led, along with the study of science from a philosophical and historical point of view, from the angles that followed its prescriptive, namely, the planning and policy-making of related sciences It is also worth looking at. In addition to economics and sociology of science, psychology of science has also studied science from its own angle, ie, the study of psychological factors influencing scientific behavior of scientists. One of the branches of the psychology of science is the social psychology of science, which is more recent than other branches, and studies how other people and scientists are influencing scientific activity. Effects of the Experimenter on the Experiment, Social-Cultural Influences on Science, Influences Evaluation of Science, science networks, Mentorships/Training, Small Group Processes in Science and Gender and Science are among the issues that have been studied so far. Possible Historical Case Studies, Possible Experimental Paradigms, the study of the impact of competition and collaboration, the perception and advocacy of other people on scientific behavior, how to allocate the cause of the effects, issues of industrial-organizational psychology are also issues that have not been studied seriously and made to as the future lies in the social psychology of science. The quantitative and qualitative development of international communication, the emphasis on Mentorships and the allocation of special privilege to this in the promotion of faculty members, the balancing of individual and group activities in scientific research, correct distribution and allocation of the appropriate academic positions and related occupations relative to gender, and Ultimately, helping to develop the field of psychology of science are suggestions based on the findings for policy makers of science and technology.


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