Imparted Policies implementing in National Master Plan for Science and Education Case study: Adjustment the Capacity of Higher Education Institutions (with regard to Geographical Preparation)

Document Type : Original research



The policies made by Iran’s Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution and its subdivisions has been always faced with the challenge of idleness. This research aims to provide an applicable schema for navigating the process of implementation of these policies. Believing that the method used in this research can also be used in the process of implementation of other decisions of this council, and by having a Participatory Action Research approach, the researchers tried in order to better implementation of the policy titled: “Adjustment the Capacity of Higher Education Institution (With regard to Geographical Preparation)” made by The Strategic Board for Implementation of National Master Plan For Science and Education. Using Action Research in five rounds, A consensus has been reached about the role of all involved parties and institution by themselves.
Regarding this consent decision, The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) and The Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MHME) have the superior responsibility to implement the 12 proposed decision in their own institutions. Concerning the overpopulation of students in MSRT, the consent was that the Vise Presidency of Science and Technology and Jahad Daneshgahi (Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research) should also help to implement the decisions number 1 and 7.



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