Nowadays entrepreneurship is one of the factors for economic growth and development. Consequently, in western countries the last two decades are named golden decades for entrepreneurship. In most developed and developing countries entrepreneurship is referred to as major source of development. Most experts believe to make next generation of entrepreneurs one should resort to practical training more than old fashioned education. By taking a look at 20 years vision of Iran (Which is due to 1404 SH), qualities of a favorable Iranian is mentioned as follow: Active, responsible, martyr, faithful, satisfied, having work ethic, discipline, attitude of cooperation and social integrity, commitment to Islamic system, prosperity of Iran and proud of being Iranian. By taking into account that today’s adolescents will be tomorrow’s leaders, we should make an environment suitable for flourishing of next generation to fit above mentioned characteristics. To reach our goal, responding to this question is unavoidable: Who is future child and what is his/her characteristic? This question is fundamental before crating a useful plan. Entrepreneur’s characteristics will not appear alongside child’s birth.In contrast, environment and education has a profound influence on child’s future. On this paper we are going to review new findings of well-known experts and scientists on this issue. To pursue this study, we take a look at experience of other countries. Also we examined the localization of these concepts with some implementation results of this issue in our country (Iran). In addition to above mentioned reviews, we examined the role of entrepreneurship training in various education centers and learning systems in Islamic Republic of Iran planned for 1404 perspective. The research method is based on review and analysis of documents related to entrepreneurship education. We also referred to interviews done by policy makers and mangers in entrepreneurship education.
Saljoghi, K. (2013). The role of entrepreneurship education in the educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1404. Science and Technology Policy Letters, 03(1), 85-110.
Saljoghi, K. . "The role of entrepreneurship education in the educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1404", Science and Technology Policy Letters, 03, 1, 2013, 85-110.
Saljoghi, K. (2013). 'The role of entrepreneurship education in the educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1404', Science and Technology Policy Letters, 03(1), pp. 85-110.
K. Saljoghi, "The role of entrepreneurship education in the educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1404," Science and Technology Policy Letters, 03 1 (2013): 85-110,
Saljoghi, K. The role of entrepreneurship education in the educational system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1404. Science and Technology Policy Letters, 2013; 03(1): 85-110.