Secretariat Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution
Secretariat supreme council of cultural revolution
In the field of policy making for the higher education system, one of the main issues is the employment of the PhD students in the jobs outside of the university, which in some cases harm the duties and research activities of PhD students and reduce the productivity of them and extend the PhD program period time. The aim of this paper is to study the support systems and policies for providing livelihood costs of the PhD students in order to prevent their employment in unrelated work outside the university and strengthen their attendance and full-time research activity at the university. Relevant policies and laws have been enacted and implemented in this regard in the supreme council of cultural revolution (SCCR), ministry of research and technology (MSRT), Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) and vice-Presidency for Science and Technology (VPST). In the beginning, a comparative study has been done in the selected countries. In the following, by reviewing resolutions and their implementation approaches, a large picture of laws is presented. In the end, some policies and measures have been proposed for Iran.
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Akhishjan, M. , , Tavousi, M. , and Danaeifa, M. . "The Policies of Financial Support from Ph.D Students and The Promotion of Human Resources Productivity and Research Institutes", Science and Technology Policy Letters, 09, 1, 2019, 93-104.
Akhishjan, M., Tavousi, M., Danaeifa, M. (2019). 'The Policies of Financial Support from Ph.D Students and The Promotion of Human Resources Productivity and Research Institutes', Science and Technology Policy Letters, 09(1), pp. 93-104.
M. Akhishjan , M. Tavousi and M. Danaeifa, "The Policies of Financial Support from Ph.D Students and The Promotion of Human Resources Productivity and Research Institutes," Science and Technology Policy Letters, 09 1 (2019): 93-104,
Akhishjan, M., Tavousi, M., Danaeifa, M. The Policies of Financial Support from Ph.D Students and The Promotion of Human Resources Productivity and Research Institutes. Science and Technology Policy Letters, 2019; 09(1): 93-104.