Take the experience of distinct “Young Farmers Club” in rural development

Document Type : Review article



The Young Farmers’ Club is a public organization that started its unofficial activities in a home library on 1374. After the formation of a community consist of rural youth in Mashhad, these people went to their villages, and they establish 54 clubs in the villages of Khorasan at the same time, which later reached 168 clubs. They main role is to gather other youth and people of the village in order to discuss the various issues in the village and probable practical scientific solutions for solving them, leading to better progression of their village. These young people also seek to establish practical connections with various organization to ask them for necessary facilities and equipment, which can contribute to the development of the village. The mission of the headquarters in the Young Farmers’ Club is to establish this institution in the village and reform the mindset of rural youth. As a result, people and youth themselves will start to build up and change their environment instead of waiting for the others› help.
