The effect of internal and external factors on the return of Iranian migrants during 2014 to 2022

Document Type : Call for Special Issue on "Migration Policy"


1 Science and technology policy/ Graduate School of Management and Economic/ Sharif University of Technology/ Tehran/ Iran

2 Master of social research, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran


Returnees can help reduce the negative effects of migration and develop the origin countries. This research investigates the effect of internal and external determinants on the return of Iranian migrants using mixed method. The analysis of the fluctuations of return frequency, return decision, and return drivers among Iranians during the years 2013 to 2020, indicate that "family" and "patriotism" are the most important internal factors influencing the return flow to the country. Meanwhile, the return flow of Iranians (including the voluntary return of Iranian professionals and assisted voluntary return and reintegration of Iranians) has undergone two significant turning points influenced by external determinants. Firstly, the return frequency increased in 2016 due to the nuclear agreement between Iran and G5, and the expectation of the removal of sanctions, which led to the improvement of the country's political and economic prospects. Second, during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, while the return frequency of Iranian professionals increased significantly due to dissatisfaction with the conditions in the host country, the assisted voluntary return of Iranian migrants indicate a downward trend.


Main Subjects

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